The small and large odyssey of Timùl
Man and the journey form an indissoluble unity in the history of mankind.
There have always been those who travel to escape, to reach a hoped-for destination,
to build a future, or to satisfy their curiosity and thirst for knowledge…

Some travel North, some South… Some go West and some go in the opposite
direction… Well aware that North, South, East and West are always different, just as
there are as many destinations as there are points of departure.
The journey is the moment in which man travels to the "next destination"… It is a
metaphor for change, evolution, knowledge, all of which share a single clear
objective: a serene, happy, safe life – a better life. For the ancient Greeks this was
always the final end of all man's actions, the final end of life itself: the search for
The performance takes the themes of the journey and the journeyer and considers
them in the light of the greatest of all voyagers: Ulysses.
For Ulysses, the final end of the Odyssey is not Ithaca, but rather the voyage that
takes him home, during which the Greek hero overcomes obstacles of every type and
renews his knowledge of the world and of himself. Homer's Ulysses is the perfect
example of the tireless seeking that leads to happiness.
The protagonist of the story we will tell is a novice Ulysses who, just like the great
hero, has only his own astuteness and intelligence to help him face his journey, of
which it is the journey itself, and not its destination, that is of interest – everything he
comes up with to face its difficulties, hopes and fears.
A sequence of exciting, epic, poetic and entertaining situations, which on the stage
are transformed into a continual improper use of objects, the body and the story, in a
fully fledged "elegy for creativity".
All narrated using the universal language of the body, in a silence spiced with sounds
and in a comic, poetic vein.
With: Susi Danesin
Direction: Gaetano Ruocco Guadagno
Scenography: Alberto Nonnato